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Braidwood, IL - Furnace & Air Conditioning Service, Repair & Maintenance Contractor

DJ's Heating And Air Conditioning serves Braidwood's Heating and Cooling needs!

Please call us today at (815) 579-1943 to consult with our home comfort specialist.

About Braidwood, IL - Happy to be your hometown Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor!

Contact DJ's Heating And Air Conditioning To Learn The Benefits Of A Variable Speed Furnace

On colder days, a multi-stage variable speed furnace can run at maximum speed, but only until your space has reached the desired temperature. Once that has occurred, the furnace will slowly decrease speed to the low stage, leading to several benefits for your home. Contact DJ's Heating And Air Conditioning to discuss these benefits.

Braidwood, IL Contact Us For Energy Efficient Air Conditioners

There are several factors to consider when purchasing a new air conditioner, and size and energy efficiency are two commonly discussed. The size – or cooling capacity – of your AC will depend on the square footage of your home, and it is measured in tons. Energy efficiency will be measured with a SEER rating, and the higher a rating is, the more efficient a unit will be. Choosing an energy-efficient air conditioner of the right size can be beneficial in lowering your home’s electric bills. 

Is Moisture A Problem In Your Home Air- Contact DJ's Heating And Air Conditioning

A fan-powered humidifier works like the bypass option. However, they also include a fan that blows air across the internal water panel to increase overall water evaporation. Each day, these humidifiers can produce up to a gallon of humidity. Fan-powered humidifiers are a great option for homes constructed on slabs or those that house HVAC systems within a closet.